Sword of the Spirit Guestbook
Number of Comments: 169
Welcome to our guestbook. Thanks for stopping by! God bless!
The Management
I'm lost again. Thank you once more Donald for the awesome opportunity. You have blessed more than me through your knowledge. Ms. "V" www.victoriapoller.com
Ms. "V" Victoria Thomas Poller
Hi Don, Great website, I’m excited to see what the Lord will produce through your ministry. May God continue to bless and keep you, ...Shajuana Ross
Shajuana Ross
Thank you for having this website where the truth of God can get to the people of the world. May God continue to bless you more each day. Gayle
Gayle Walker
Thank you! Great Creative Talent.....smile
Michelle Renee
I just found your ebooks and downloaded them all. I look forward to reading them & sharing them with my son who is currently a Madison Bulldog!!!!!Thank you for allowing free downloads.
Can you tell me about SOS. Is this POD. Digital reproduction.
James Warren
Hope this works out!
S G Young
I Like your site very much and what you have written. Keep up the good fight of faith using the weapons and gifts the Great Giver, Has given you! Praise and glory to Jesus Christ! John 3:16 Psalm 121 Shalom!
Don, We communicated via e-mail about six months ago describing our POD published books. Now I discover you are entering into the publishing business. Bravo for you! Congratulations with my prayers and support. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. I would also be interested in submitting my books to you when you're ready for submissions. You may recall from our previous communications, that my work is Christian-based also. My goal is to write books that would advance the Kingdom of God and offer a light to the unsaved world. With God's Blessings, Don Helling
Don Helling
I'm very pleased to announce that the October 2008 issue of our online book review magazine "Reviewer's Bookwatch" features a review of "All the Stillness of the Wind". Here is the review: Reviewer's Bookwatch: October 2008 James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief Midwest Book Review 278 Orchard Drive, Oregon, WI 53575 Reviewer's Choice All the Stillness of the Wind Donald James Parker Sword of the Spirit Publishing 9781234567897 $12.95 Whether seeking personal peace, finding the path to redemption or satisfying a need for knowledge; your journey could begin by reading this book! A 'parable' is an avenue used to get a point across, by telling a fictional story, allowing the listener to make their own conclusions. It usually pertains to a moral or spiritual idea. Jesus was famous for his use of parables, and I believe that this fictional story would best be described as a modern day parable. Jeremy is dating Maria and coincidentally, his father, Paul is dating Maria's mother, Lisa. The women are devote Christians, who know their futures lie with men of similar beliefs. Jeremy has already studied the theory of evolution and concluded that there must have been a creator. The men set out to research religion and it's many viewpoints, with special focus on Christianity, the arguments for and against. They share their newfound knowledge and acceptance with the women, as their beliefs are discussed or debated. The comfort level and bantering conversations between the four characters made me laugh, as I learned right along with them. Throughout their search, they 'weed through', accept or reject different viewpoints on what man must do, to inherit eternal life. Along the way, they discover there are numerous ways to reconnect with God and inner peace, by way of music, prayer and more. The couples celebrate their first Christmas together, the happy memory quickly shattered by a horrific accident, which would shake even the strongest of believers' faith. It is then that we learn about grace, "the ability to forgive people for messing up" and about the five steps of grieving. This is one of the many times that Satan feeds our anger and, only once he has been renounced, is the burden lifted. Love and faith are a true believers path to a good life, and the key to the much believed in, Heaven. The author, Donald James Parker, has told a brilliant version of a parable, and shown us a way to begin the search for truth. It is easy to read and identify with, not heavy on scriptures. He provides a few web sites as well as scriptures for future research. Donald James Parker, graduated for Dakota State University with a degree in secondary education, then went on to study computer programming. After 25 years of IT work, his passion for writing took over, the outcome to our benefit, is a book series involving two generations of the Masterson family. One never knows what the future holds, but I am sure more books are to follow. He is currently working on other books "engaging the cultural climate of the 21st century." To review this book was incredible timing. Either divine intervention or just plain coincidence, as it came to me in a time of many questions. It has had a positive influence on my life, by encouraging me to reconnect with my roots and beliefs, on my own search for peace. I highly recommend reading this book Cheryl Ellis, Reviewer www.allbookreviews.com You have complete permission to utilize the review in any manner you deem useful for marketing and promotion. Assuming your book is registered with Amazon.com I have instructed our webmaster to post the review there. Additionally, this review will be archived on our Midwest Book Review website for the next five years at http://www.midwestbookreview.com Please send an email notification to my attention at mwbookrevw@aol.com for your future titles as they are published and become available to the reading public. Incidentally, although our bylaws prohibit accepting money from authors or publishers (in order to avoid any conflict of interest issues), we did amend it to allow authors and publishers who wanted to make a gesture of support and appreciation for what we try to do here at the Midwest Book Review in behalf of the small press community to donate postage stamps "for the cause". So if you'd like to send a check or money order as a donation to our Midwest Book Review postage stamp fund, please feel free (but not obligated!). James A. Cox Editor-in-Chief Midwest Book Review 278 Orchard Drive Oregon, WI, 53575, USA
Midwest Book Review
Donald wow what great writing what I read amazing and attention grabbing. I have downloaded the story liked thanks for the site. I look forward to chatting more on Facebook keep your good writing up. It is amazing what one can achieve when we put our minds to our goals.
Stephanie Narayan
Blessings on your new venture. Col. 3:21 :)
Julie Carobini
It is so good to learn about a new Christian Publishing Company. I will look forward to your updates. I pray that you will be able to accept submissions soon. God bless, Opal
Opal Dalton
Hi, thank you so much for the friend's request on shoutlife. :) I know you said on your web site you are not taking submissions at this time..but I am walking out on the water here and asking you if you would be interested in Ed? Who is Ed? Well Ed is an angel from God and is on a big mission from God also. Take a look around my web sites at WWW.TLMOOREBOOKS.COM & WWW.MYSPACE.COM/TLMOORE & WWW.MYSPACE.COM/EDONMYSHOULDER I am looking for a publisher to pick up on book two of the series. I have always said Ed would be bigger than Harry Potter someday. :) With a much better message to share with the world. God bless you always. Terri
Terri Moore
Dear Brother Don: You have launched a lofty project here; I would be happy to become a member and help any way I can. I like the part where you state you do not want any "fluff" feel good material, but writings that challenge Christians to deal with the reality of what the Gospel truly requires. When you are ready, I can email you both books I have written, as well as several glowing revies. To learn a little more about me, please visit my web site at : http://groups.msn.com/TheEndTimesPassover
Joe Ortiz
How refreshing to find a publishing group that is interested in good stories that tell the truth and bring down the gates of hell. God bless your endeavors.
Michelle Gregory
nice...I love the new site.
Pam Kumpe
I am so excited for you! Congratulations on such an accomplishment. May it be blessed and be a blessing in all ways to come! Be Blessed and Prosper! :-)
Marie Wactor
Don - Congrats on starting up your own publishing company. Hope all goes well and you are able to get some wonderful materials to add to the line when you are ready to take submissions. This first book for the company sounds like a great read.
I would love to win Donald's latest book! Read "All the Voices of the Wind" and found his writing enjoyable and thought-provoking :-)
Laurie Graham
Many blessings in your writing and publishing venture!
Lisa Buffaloe
Thanks for the news of your new website and company.
Lyle Rorvik
From a imagining from deep beyond understanding.From author to now a publishing Company.Illusions ignored,ahead is the hard work to come.Of course everything would be all right. You will know what to do.The joy and happiness will fallow soon. Iam very happy for you.Best of Luck.Jack Sorenson
Jack R. Sorenson
Don, Nice to have you worship with us on Sunday and get a chance to visit afterwards. The web site is beautiful! Good job. Mike
Mike Keith
Hi! I was really excited to hear about this new Christian publishing company! I can't wait to see what good books will come out of this! God Bless!
Stephanie Ruberg
Don, Blessings and thanks for sharing all of this and your heart for God and His Kingdom to be advanced. Your are a true Saint and I pray the Lord will pour out his favor and blessings upon you. For His Glory alone, Steve :)
Steve Capatch
This is very exciting. I can't wait to see where it goes.
Chris Weigand
Yay!! I am so thankful God led you to take this giant step of faith. I'm sure He will greatly bless your efforts as you glorify Him.
Kristi Neace
Wonderful! I pray God's richest blessings on your endeavor. When I befriended you at Shoutlife on behalf of our church's page, for which I'm administrator, I wondered whether it was you when I noticed the location. I'm glad it is. May the Lord use this endeavor to His glory until He snatches out the church!
Hope Chastain
I LOVE your logo! Have you thought about publishing Bible studies? I have one that I'm shopping...
Stacey Dale
I just read the purpose of your new publishing company and I pray that it will bring God all the glory. May the Spirit guide you as to what authors to accept. It will be exciting to see where the Lord takes you and the company. To God be the glory.
Congratulations on a well-designed site and on your publishing. May you flourish.
Eric Johnson
The introductory page of your new publishing group hooked me. I almost was brought to tears as I read what is coming up. We as the 'intelligent' race on this planet have missed the mark by miles as we 'think' we are doing God's bidding against the enemy. Yes, we have many obstacles to overcome to be truly in sync with the Spirit. I hope to not only read Donald James Parker's book that is coming soon but the others that explore the topics we need to learn about to walk with God the way He intended.
Pam Williams
My friend sent me the information on your new web site, and I am really excited to learn more. It sounds incredible, and way past it's time to be started. Thanks so much
Helen Boyer
Congratulation for the launch of a vitally important mission! May you carry His love and glory to the ends of the earth via this medium of enlightening lterature. In His service, Rev. Angelika.
Rev. Angelika Regina Heimann
The website looks great. I wish you all the best!
David Meigs
As a writer living in the Northwest.. I welcome a new publisher with your specific goals. May God bless your work and the work of the authors you will present to the reading public
Joy Hunt
Nice site
Caprice Hokstad
Congratulations on your Grand Opening! I pray that God will bless this new venture.
Wilma Steiner
I'm so impressed with this idea of a publishing company that will adhere to Christian principles. Satan is pushing awfully hard to tear us away from good books and other Christ-like forms of entertainment. Thank you and best wishes in your endeavors. Don, best of luck with your book, and those in the future that I know will edify. Renie
Irene Gardner
Hi Don! I am so excited to hear this wonderful news. I know great things await. I cannot wait to see this new endeavor grow and thrive! Thanks for letting me know, Robin Shope
Robin Shope
wow, Reforming the Potter's Clay sounds like a great book!! I'm looking forward to hearing about more books that you publish!
Congratulations on your new ventyre! Prayers and blessings for great success!
Cyndy Salzmann
Hi FB friend...great site...I would come to the grand opening tonight but I am here in So Calif so that won't work...LOL God bless you in this endeavor....
Susan Singbusch
Thank you for publishing books that are clean and of a Godly nature. Before I got saved I was into romance novels the horrible kind. After I got saved I feared I'd never get to read another novel. Then I find out about Christian romance and thriller authors I didn't even think there was such a thing. It's just amazing. I can read good clean novels and don't need a cleansing when I'm done. Thanks! I would love to read this book too. God Bless you.
Kereen Barracks
OMIGOSH, Don, what a GREAT idea!!! I love your logo and love the premise for Reforming the Potter's Clay -- which hopefully can rival the success of Harry Potter! I pray God blesses the socks off of you and this company.
Julie Lessman
Hello, it's a pleasure to know that you exist simply to glorify God in publishing books written by Christians. For a while I had problems getting rid of my worldly romance novels because I thought that once I become a Christian I could never read a novel again, but now I find that I can read and these are clean and are written about believers, it's simply amazing! so Thank you. I would love to read this book too.
Kereen Barracks
Congratulations on the birth of Sword of the Spirit Publishing and The Potter's Clay. Looking forward to hearing more and reading the book. Love the website by the way, the logo is fantastic! Blessings Lee
Lee Franklin
Sounds like it will be interesting to see what else this publishing company will come out with in future days.